- International Membership - there are an ever increasing number of international members joining the body each year. 60% of our student membership is international, which shows the dynamic and varied membership body that you can join
- Exams - you can take the online exams anywhere
- Recognition – the IFoA qualifications are globally recognised
- Mutual recognition – as a qualified actuary with another actuarial professional body you may transfer into the IFoA through mutual recognition agreement – the agreements vary, so it is to look at our website to understand the requirements of the agreement
- Kudos – it is not a qualification that will be simple to achieve but the recognition of your achievement within the industry will be high
- Reward – due to the level of responsibility actuaries have in their jobs and also working through a professional qualification the rewards throughout your career is substantial
- Network – with such a huge variety of members based all over the world, it is a fantastic opportunity to meet with like-minded people with common interests and goals
- Opportunity – there are fantastic opportunities for international actuaries to make their mark within the industry
- International – As of last year, 46% of our members were based overseas and this number is steadily rising. If you join the IFoA, you join a profession which has over 32,000 members around the world
- Heritage – the IFoA is the world’s leading, oldest actuarial professional body established in 1848, and we are an independent royal chartered professional body
- Accredited universities and exemptions – we have a growing number of accredited universities in Asia where by studying with them exemptions are given to our Core Principles and Core Practices exams.
What does the IFoA offer me?
The IFoA offers international students exactly the same benefits as UK members; from CPD opportunities and events, to member interest groups, newsletters, discussion groups and international visits from our executive and presidential teams.
Are there people I can talk to that can give me advice?
Career Ambassadors – are working actuaries at all levels of qualification that can advise you on what it is like to work as an actuary, what the working environment is like and what a move might be like if you are transferring to another country.
Education advisers – advise students and those contemplating an actuarial career on matters related to the profession, particularly with regard to the education, tuition and examination activities, including special local arrangements. You can contact an advisor by emailing careers@actuaries.org.uk.
Contact Details
Careers Department
7th Floor Holborn Gate - 326-330 High Holborn - London - WC1V 7PP - U.K
+44 (0) 20 7632 2137
IFoA Beijing Office
14/F - China World Office 1 - 1 Jianwai Avenue - Beijing - China - 100004
+86 (10) 6535 0248