Prepare your exams: Studying
You can find a list of IFoA examination subjects on our Curriculum web pages, including:
- Examination syllabus
- Exam format
- Recommended study hours
- Core reading lists
You can buy the IFoA Core Reading at our E-Shop. You can access face-to-face tuition and distance learning materials for IFoA exams from tuition providers. You can find more information on our tuition providers page.
To help you prepare for your examinations, we have published advice in our Exam Preparation Guide.
You can find Past Papers and Examiners reports on our Studying web pages. We recommend that you practice your exam technique by completing a past paper and comparing your answers to the examiners' reports.
Sitting IFoA exams
You can find all the information you need to prepare for sitting an IFoA exam in our Examinations Handbook, including:
- Minimum technical requirements for equipment for candidates sitting IFoA online exams
- IFoA online exam formats
- Guidance on completing your exams in Microsoft Office and R
- Formulae, symbols, and mathematical notation, including Standard Keyboard Notation keystrokes in Word to use in place of the mathematical formulae and symbols
- Guidance on sitting an open book exam
- Essential preparation before you sit your exam
- Exam joining instructions and when you will receive them
- Exam test instructions, including step by step instructions on how to create and verify your details on the IFoA online exam platform and how to complete online exam platform equipment checks
You should also familiarise yourself with the IFoA Assessment Regulations, which set out candidate obligations and regulatory requirements before you book or sit an IFoA examination.
Booking IFoA exams
Exam booking dates, examination dates, and exam results release dates are available on our Exam dates webpage.
You can find information on:
- How to book and pay for IFoA exams
- How to change or cancel your exam booking
- Refunds for a cancelled exam booking, and
- Our Exam booking guide
on our Exam booking web page.
You can find out how to book, pay for, change and cancel Online Professionalism Courses (PSC) Stage 1 and Stage 2 and the Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA) exams, along with information on refunds on our PSC and CERA booking web page.
All our exam fees, PSC and CERA course fees, and PPD final sign-off fees, as well as fees for exam appeals, counselling, and exemptions, are listed on our Exam and other fees web page.
Access arrangements
Information about access arrangements (reasonable adjustments made to exam conditions), whether you are eligible, and how to apply can be found on our Access arrangements web page.
Essential reading
Contact Details
+44 (0) 131 240 1325