Three UK-based universities - Cass Business School, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Kent - have launched actuarial scholarships to encourage Chinese students to study for an MSc or diploma in Actuarial Management in the UK. Depending on the university and the course, the students will have the opportunities to gain exemptions including subjects CP1-CP3, SP1, SP2 and SP4-SP9 from the IFoA exams.
The actuarial scholarships are available in China including Hong Kong. The scholarships are offered to students studying at IFoA accredited or linked universities who have met the required standard for entry to the respective MSc or diploma programme for which they are applying.
Currently in the UK, only the three universities listed above offer postgraduate programmes with exemptions from CP1 and the other aforementioned later subjects of the IFoA exams. The IFoA, as a leading professional body and an international actuarial educator, is committed to working with universities worldwide who provide actuarial education to all students.
If you would like to find out more about the MSc/diploma actuarial management programmes, please visit the three universities' websites: